Movie Review 163 results

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent lands with a thud

Movie review: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent Give Nicolas Cage a chance to slap himself in the face, and you know he'll go full cream pie. So why did director Tom Gormican go for a dark thriller instead of full-on movie star send-up? We can only wonder as we stare into the crater of a leaden satire.

The Northman Cometh, and he’s got an axe to grind

Movie Review: The Northman There’s not a lot of room for subtlety when most problems are solved by bludgeoning and dismemberment, but you can tell Nicole Kidman, Ethan Hawke and Alexander Skarsgard are desperate to bring every nuance possible to this broad-strokes study of our stubborn primitivism.  

Movie Review: White Hot peels back preppy flannels of Abercrombie & Fitch

Movie Review: White Hot - The Rise and Fall of Abercrombie & Fitch White Hot reveals how a crew of older white men branded a generation through grooming and exclusion.

Movie review: Memory seems eerily familiar

Movie review: Memory Liam Neeson fights a sense of deja-vu as he plays a character seeking to settle a score while fighting a failing mind. Thanks to the addition of Guy Pearce as the FBI foil, the manly tango makes an impression.

Movie review: Cyrano may leave everyone unrequited

Movie review: Cyrano Joe Wright's take on Edmond Rostand's classic tale of courting makes a bold move that hits a bad note, despite an inspired performance from Peter Dinklage in the title role of a man who struggles with his physical appearance.

Munich: Edge of War wallows in pre-war paranoia

Munich: The Edge of War  When the world feels unfriendly and the people you thought were friends whisper behind your back, you know you're not in Hollywood anymore. You're watching the fully earnest Munich: Edge of War.
3.5/5, 4/5Score

Two new docs offer deep dive on African-American dance icons

Movie review: Ailey and Can You Bring It - Bill T. Jones and D-Man in the Waters Alvin Ailey and Bill T. Jones redefined modern dance for their generation, but while Ailey's company became the de facto representative of the African-American experience on the legitimate stage, Bill T. Jones lingered in the shadows long enough to truly know himself, and the emotional purpose behind each move.  

Nomadland travels a cold road to personal freedom

Movie Review - Nomadland Frances McDormand forces us to see the warmth of kindred souls seeking freedom in a landscape abandoned by the American Dream.

Cherry strips full metal jacket off explosive content to keep heart intact

Movie Review: Cherry Joe and Anthony Russo use their superhero experience to  bring Nico Walker's novel to the screen with the epic scale of an Avengers movie, only to empty every hidden pocket in the cargo pants of male identity.

Death of a Ladies Man rides drifts down St. Lawrence Street on a raft of booze-fuelled memory

Movie Review: Death of a Ladies Man Matthew Bissonnette's new feature is not based on the famed Montreal poet-Lothario's writing, but it finds the same bruised skies and ice-covered steeples that inspired his work -- and in the process, gives Gabriel Byrne a clean shot at creative narcissism.