Movie Review 163 results

Dark Phoenix destined to split audiences as much as it splits character

Movie Review: Dark Phoenix Simon Kinberg reignites Dark Phoenix with an emotional match that strikes gritty issues, and challenges superhero stereotypes by featuring a morally conflicted, and ultra-powerful, woman in the lead. No wonder the fan boys hate it so much. Buy Prednisone no prescription buy Soft Cialis buy cipro buy Buspar no prescription

Secret Life of Pets 2 regurgitates comic hairballs

Movie review: The Secret Life of Pets 2 Like its predecessor, The Secret Life of Pets 2 proves the people at Illumination Animation pay attention to animal behaviour. So if this collection feels more like a random string of events pulled from strange places, we can find a way to forgive the mess, and love it anyway.

Aladdin’s magic remains, but we could always wish for more

Movie Review: Aladdin Director Guy Ritchie brings the animated classic to life with a greasy edge, some updated songs and a knack for action. He even succeeds at turning the magic carpet into a tightly-knotted character that steals every scene with its manta like moves and sassy tassels. It’s only when the movie stands still long enough that we start to notice a strange lack of dramatic tension.

Booksmart turns the page on teen girl stereotypes

Movie Review: Booksmart Olivia Wilde’s feature debut looks at coming-of-age formula through a distinctly female lens, where acceptance and affirmation don’t rely on stunts or smashing a beer can into your forehead -- but the enduring loyalty of a best friend.
3.5 Score

Kristen Stewart courts a world of vampires in JT Leroy

Movie Review: JT Leroy Director Justin Kelly stands knee-deep in a stinky literary scandal to sift through worthy bits of narrative, and muck out a good story about a writer who found her voice through a gay, male prostitute -- then convinced her sister-in-law to play along.

The Biggest Little Farm reclaims a barren landscape with love, labour, and loss

Movie Review: The Biggest Little Farm When a California couple traded in their Santa Monica lifestyle for an abandoned apricot and avocado orchard, they thought Mother Nature might lend a helping hand. Yet every success brought a new pest, until they found a way to resurrect what industrialized farming ploughed under.  

John Wick 3: Parabellum keeps the puppy love alive

Movie Review: John Wick 3 - Parabellum John Wick may not wax eloquent, but he can fire up a storm in this continuing action saga that lets Keanu Reeves do what he does best: say little, bring elegance to action sequences and create chemistry with cute canines.

Pet Sematary resurrects the fear of fur

Movie review: Pet Sematary Stephen King’s classic gets a horror makeover that keeps asking the same unholy question: How far would we go to bring back a dead loved one?

Hotel Mumbai opens ornate doors on an unholy nightmare

Movie review: Hotel Mumbai The 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai resulted in the deaths of more than 170 people. Yet, until director Anthony Maras decided to dramatize the event in what proves a breathless two hours, the full dimensions of the tragedy never seemed to hit home.

Hummingbird Project flutters around good ideas, but fails to land

Movie Review: The Hummingbird Project Kim Nguyen’s ambitious attempt at an artsy thriller headlined by Hollywood talent drills itself into the ground by betting on big equipment, instead of empathetic characters, to do the heavy lifting.