month : 02/2020 4 results

What Elizabeth Warren Needs to Win: A Makeover

The Politics of Fashion It's a sad sexist reality, but optics and clothes matter more than anyone wants to admit. It's a lesson the TV-conscious Trump and his tummy-tuckers have mastered, and one Elizabeth Warren stands to benefit from the most if she surrenders her shapeless folksy rose upholstery for a sleek, Presidential style.  

Sonic the Hedgehog revives cartoon soul

Movie Review: Sonic the Hedgehog James Marsden shows the movie-going public how to handle a '90s-era videogame character reborn on the big screen as a kid-friendly version of Deadpool: Just roll with it.

The Assistant coolly dissects Weinstein scandal

Movie review: The Assistant Documentary filmmaker Kitty Green casts Julia Garner as a 20-something underling struggling to navigate a toxic work environment and a loud, bellowing boss who bullies those around him into submission. It's not a feel-good movie. It's an ode to millennial malaise.

Frozen memories of Finland warm a chilled soul

Travel: Finding A Sense of Faith in Finland So far, so bad... The New Year's promise of a fresh start turns sour, forcing an old scribe to seek spiritual sustenance from the past via memories of a visit to Scandinavia. By Rod Mickleburgh Well, here we are in yet another decade, And, like much of the previous 10 years, with a few exceptions, so far so bad. As the outside world turns increasingly partisan and dark, I found myself seeking some spiritual sustenance from the past. I fastened on a similar passing of time 30 years ago: the last days of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, a decade which proved pivotal in my life and career in a way I never thought possible. My reflections were likely heightened by the fact that it all took place in the country where my mother was born, Finland. I was lucky enough to be living in Paris that year, so it had seemed only natural to spend Christmas and New Year’s revisiting my ancestral roots. It was wonderful. Sparkling snow covered the ...