Star Wars: A Feminist Force Awakens
Podcast: Pop This! Star Wars: The Force Awakens provides a Ton Ton's carcass of content to discuss and, in a pinch, butcher and turn into a sleeping bag in this week's Pop This!
Featuring Lisa Christiansen and Andrea Warner. Produced by Andrea Gin.
A sampling of what you might hear in Episode 11: Star Wars What would I do with a BB8? I have never cared about space at all. I can see Star Wars is part of pop culture canon, but it's a conversational understanding of Star Wars. What you did for me for Real Housewives, I need for you to do me for Star Wars. I don't think I thought of it as a space movie... It just happens to be set in space. I was watching the hero's journey: Joseph Campbell figured out we have an innate story we need to experience. I recommend the hero with a thousand faces. Maybe it's good to watch this movie not stoned out of your gourd. Buy fluoxetine online I feel like this is my literal everyday, I'm invited to save the world and ...