NASA 3 results

Launching a Rocket in the Living Room

DIY Column: The Apollo XIII Project A New Year’s resolution to reuse, recycle or purge was already in progress, then the pandemic happened, and what started as a creative bid to turn garbage into art suddenly morphed into a personal Apollo XIII mission: Without access to Home Depot, can you find a way to repurpose what you already have?    

First Man makes small steps, fails giant leap

Movie review: First Man Damien Chazelle’s follow-up to La La Land fragments into a stream of dramatic particles orbiting around central star, Ryan Gosling.

Hidden Figures blasts into racist past

Movie Review: Hidden Figures Theodore Melfi's quest for the stars has all the rights cogs and gears as it features Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer as Janelle Monáe mathemeticians playing a big role in the early days of NASA, but even with Kevin Costner's booster rocket, the voyage feels mechanical