day : 31/07/2017 1 result

Dare to Eat the Peach Pie – Dare to Reinvent Yourself

Recipe: Blueberry Peach Pie A humble pie made with peaches isn't just a perfect summer dessert, it's a fitting metaphor for life, and one that career-long food writer Louise Crosby is looking to realize through personal reinvention. By Louise Crosby You probably already know that one of the best things about summer is home-made fruit pie. Peach pie, to be specific, although pies made with peaches and blueberries, or peaches and raspberries, are special too. Juicy, sun-ripened peaches only come around once a year, so when I spied a quart from the Niagara region at the local farmers market the other day, I bought it straightaway and headed for the kitchen. Helping me with this little project was the wonderful Art of the Pie, by Kate McDermott. With detailed instructions on every possible aspect of pie-making, and gorgeous photography by Andrew Scrivani, whose work appears frequently in the New York Times, this is the only book you will ever need on the subject. It covers all ...