day : 08/01/2016 3 results

Movie review: The Joy of capitalism

A woman invents a miracle mop and finds herself knee-deep in screwball dysfunction in David O. Russell's uneven fable about working-class America    

Squeezing Gervais's not-so Golden Globes

Podcast: Pop This! To toasting and roasting Ricky Gervais as returning host of the Golden Globes, an awards show that makes some viewers walk around the house in high heels with a tall glass of pinot Featuring Lisa Christiansen and Andrea Warner. Produced by Andrea Gin. A sampling of what you might hear in Episode 9: Looking at The Golden Globes I will tell you what I genuinely think of Ricky Gervais: I think he is smug, self-congratulatory, fat-shaming...and he can be incredibly boring.... He has a lot of specific self-hatred... The only human beings who don't want to be liked are sociopaths. Mad Max. Rent is not a comedy? Empire is not nominated in the musical category? One of the great loves of my life, Spy Magazine... the monocles reviews, that's who I envision as the Hollywood Foreign Press I have the feeling they are the kind of people who go to Cannes and don't see movies I love Veep so much. A rare show without a weak link. It messes you up.     ...

Squeezing Gervais’s not-so Golden Globes

Podcast: Pop This! To toasting and roasting Ricky Gervais as returning host of the Golden Globes, an awards show that makes some viewers walk around the house in high heels with a tall glass of pinot Featuring Lisa Christiansen and Andrea Warner. Produced by Andrea Gin. A sampling of what you might hear in Episode 9: Looking at The Golden Globes I will tell you what I genuinely think of Ricky Gervais: I think he is smug, self-congratulatory, fat-shaming...and he can be incredibly boring.... He has a lot of specific self-hatred... The only human beings who don't want to be liked are sociopaths. Mad Max. Rent is not a comedy? Empire is not nominated in the musical category? One of the great loves of my life, Spy Magazine... the monocles reviews, that's who I envision as the Hollywood Foreign Press I have the feeling they are the kind of people who go to Cannes and don't see movies I love Veep so much. A rare show without a weak link. It messes you ...