Rebecca Hall 3 results

What’s The BFG? Spielberg and Rylance reunite for kid romp

Movie review: The BFG Steven Spielberg brings Roald Dahl's story of a little girl and a vegetarian giant to the big screen with gorgeous visuals and a sentimental streak, but a somewhat jumbled storyline that leaks emotion and suspense Amitriptyline No Prescription buy Xenical online Kamagra no prescription Professional Cialis

The Gift you weren’t expecting

Aussie actor Joel Edgerton creates a kooky mixture of thoughtful psychodrama and cheesy horror in this interesting examination of the ghosts that haunt us from high school  

The Gift you weren't expecting

Aussie actor Joel Edgerton creates a kooky mixture of thoughtful psychodrama and cheesy horror in this interesting examination of the ghosts that haunt us from high school