Papillon escapes a gritty chrysalis with little flutter
Movie review: Papillon
Charlie Hunnam looks a little like the late Steve McQueen, which makes comparisons to the 1973 Frank Schaffner classic harder to ignore, and Hunnam’s task all the more challenging as he’s forced to escape an island of fortified expectations.
Borg vs. McEnroe: Resistance is Futile
Movie Review: Borg vs. McEnroe
“The greatest tennis match of all time” serves as the final destination for Janus Metz’s crafty biopic about polar opposites Björn Borg and John McEnroe, but getting there is half the fun thanks to a sweaty workout from Shia LaBeouf and Sverrir Gudnason.
Kate Winslet Spares Woody’s Wonder Wheel
Movie review: Wonder Wheel
Woody Allen's direction is just plain wooden as he hands the dramatic tray to Kate Winslet, forcing her to serve up a bland meatloaf formed from F. Scott Fitzgerald scraps and Tennessee Williams's vulnerable female gristle
Race runs a familiar circuit
Movie review: Race
Complete with slow-motion shots of spent athletes crossing the finish line and sepia-tinted digital recreations of the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Stephen Hopkins's Race lives up to sports-movie expectation as it tells the Jesse Owens story without upsetting white people