Magic Mike XXL has man-candy but no mojo
Steven Soderbergh's dark horse is turned into a gelding at the hands of director Gregory Jacobs, who squeezes his manly talent too hard, and turns off the ladies with crass crotch grabs and dull conversation, writes Katherine Monk
Rod Mickleburgh toasts Canada Day with a sonic brewski, eh?
Crank up the Clairtone and celebrate Canada's birthday with a selection of songs curated by a discerning music lover indulging his many shades of plaid
By Rod Mickleburgh
Well, hello there, Canada. Another birthday, eh? Dominion Day is my favourite holiday of the year, a time for us all to set aside those petty differences over just about everything the you-know-who gang does in Ottawa, and celebrate being Canadian. My Canada includes a Prime Minister who loves hockey and gets excited about finding Franklin’s ships up north. It doesn’t include an ugly monument to “victims of communism” beside the Supreme Court of Canada, nor a massive Mother Canada statue scarring Cape Breton’s beautiful Highlands National Park, nor…(fill in 50 blanks here)….but never mind. Happy Dominion Day! What’s that? It’s now called Canada Day, you say? Pity! I usually celebrate Canada Day with a list of good old songs that best exemplify the spirit, history, beauty and character of this ...